帳單問題 - Outlook內郵件文字亂碼解決方法 Invoice (Traditional Chinese) failed to display in Outlook
News from: Hosting speed
(Traditional Chinese) failed to display in Outlook:
由於 Hosting Speed 發出的系統電郵文字編碼是使用(繁體中文 Big 5) ,因此有部分客戶的Outlook未能閱讀本公司發出電郵之中文內容。
Since Hosting Speed's system email are using Traditional Chinese (Big 5) for character encoding method. We had received report that some user aren't able to read the Chinese in their Outlook.
情況如圖 Example:
解決方法 Solutions (Outlook):
Please login your Outlook and double click the email.
Maximum the Popup Window. Click Actions.
2.在"動作 (Actions)"欄,請按步驟選取繁體中文 Big 5。
Please follow the steps in "Actions" to choose Big5 for the Chinese character encoding method.
Then, the Traditional Chinese will be display normally.
4.*如你現有設定已經是Big5, 請嘗試轉到Unicode(UTF-8)。
If you are already using Traditional Chinese (Big5), please change it to Unicode(UTF-8)
and retry again.