Microsoft Windows 10 1903版遇PC連接USB裝置、SD卡將鎖住無法更新

Microsoft Windows 10 1903版遇PC連接USB裝置、SD卡將鎖住無法更新

News from: iThome & Microsoft Windows Support web site.

執行Windows 10 April 2018 Update (1803) 或October 2018 Update (1809)的電腦,在外接USB裝置的狀態下,將無法執行Windows 10 1903版自動更新。

微軟即將在5月釋出的Windows 10 May 2019 Update(1903版),為防止磁碟錯誤,新版本如偵測到PC外接USB裝置、隨身碟或SD記憶卡,就會封鎖更新作業。

微軟支援網站指出,執行Windows 10 April 2018 Update (1803) 或October 2018 Update (1809)二個版本的電腦,在連接USB裝置或SD記憶卡的當下,一旦想安裝Windows 10 May 2019 Update版或透過Windows Update自動更新時,Windows將顯示「本PC 無法更新到Windows 10」的錯誤訊息,指出該台PC 硬體尚未準備好更新到Windows 10,但使用者不需採取任何動作,只要問題解除後,Windows Update將自動提供新版Windows 10。



微軟表示會在之後的Windows 10更新版本解決該問題,而提供給Insiders測試計畫的開發人員版本,則會在18877以後版本解決。


"This PC can't be upgraded to Windows 10" error on a computer that has a USB device or SD card attached

Applies to: Windows 10


Consider the following scenario:

•You're running a Windows-10 based computer.

•An external USB device or SD memory card is attached to the computer.

•You try to upgrade the computer to the May 2019 Update, or you have automatic updates 
  turned on in the Windows Update settings.

In this scenario, you receive the following error message: 


Inappropriate drive reassignment can occur on Windows 10-based computers that have an external USB device or SD memory card attached during the installation of the May 2019 update. For this reason, these computers are currently blocked from receiving the May 2019 Update. This generates the error message that is mentioned in the "Symptoms" section if the upgrade is tried again on an affected computer.
Example: An upgrade to the May 2019 Update is tried on a computer that has a thumb drive inserted into a USB port. Before the upgrade, the device would have been mounted in the system as drive G based on the existing drive configuration. However, after the upgrade, the device is reassigned a different drive letter. For example, the drive is reassigned as drive H.
Note The drive reassignment is not limited to removable drives. Internal hard drives can also be affected.

